Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Save Power


BTing and downloading 24/7 ? No restarts in weeks ? The PC sucks quite a lot of power, around 140 watts at idle up to 300 watts at full load. Fluorescent bulbs only suck around 14 watts. Computer waste a lot of energy, if you are wondering how to save power while being able to download / store information, buying NAS is the way to go.

NAS wiki article - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network-attached_storage

The math:
140W - 30W = 110W ( power you saved )
Assuming you switched on computer 24/7 just to download.
110W X 24Hrs X 365 Days = 963.6KW/H saved per year
Using my local power company electrical tariff calculator, I was going to save RM 342.26 or around 110USD which is almost enough to buy a NAS

I have a DNS-323 at home and I am very happy that I bought it.
CNet Reviews - http://www.cnet.com/topic-reviews/nas.html?tag=dir.ct

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